Moria Refugee Camp on Lesvos

Moria Refugee Camp on Lesvos
Moria Refugee Camp on Lesvos

Saturday, 1 August 2015

The church risks looking absurd

So says the leader in today's Guardian. It is right. The church risks flying in the face of society by denying women the oppportunity to be Bishops and by robbing itself of the services of an astonishingly able man simply because he has been honest in entering into a civil partnership.
This though is nothing. The Christian faith has always been ridiculed. It is foolish as St Paul acknowledged, but it is also true. We risk denying the world of something of incomparable value if we insist on our crazy adherence to outmoded attitudes. What about love? What about the Golden Rule? What about giving our fellow citizens something worth believing in. Let's get rid of the fairy tale and stick to the truth of that feisty man Jesus of Nazareth who gave us the way and who gave his life that we might be free to follow it.

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